My cousin Heather and her husband, Hank just welcomed their first little boy, Colton! He is super cute and we the PERFECT newborn model. Most newborn sessions can last anywhere from 1-4 hours (seriously!) and we knocked out his entire session in less than an hour! And that hour included Colton's wild cousin Owen trying to steal the show a few (million) times. Luckily my aunt and my other cousin were there to wrangle him! Here is a sweet pic of Colton's feet. If you look closely at his heel, you can see all of the little sticks from when he was in the NICU for jaundice after he was born. :o(

And Colton in his train hat! Colton's daddy works for the railroad, so this hat was perfect for his newborn pics! Thanks so much, Heather, for being patient with me getting a preview posted! Backstory: Owen, my dear, dear son was playing with the battery to the laptop, and it wound up MIA for 4 days. Luckily after a serious hunt this evening, we found it! Congrats again, Heather and Hank! Colton is just perfect, and I am so excited about our boys growing up together....just like Heather and I did! :o) I will finish working on these next weekend!